Wednesday, January 25, 2012

long weekend...

cuti panjang yang best...dah sebab tu jugaklah blog jadi berhabuk...check it out what happen last weekend n CNY hols..

at bangi all the day. playing with ziyad. clean up our bedroom. tidy up my wardrobe. and at night went to andy haris wedding. the wedding at sunday acc but we visit him night before. nway..congatz andy.

teman ayah to his ex bos daugther wedding. off there with ayah,gda,mira,mr sapic and ziyad. went out without mak.after wedding off to tok cik house and wan cik cooks ikan patin masak tempoyak...eww...not for me...i didnt eat sungai or kolam or wateva fish except fresh from the sea.

having all the day at and rest and rest. at night having a dinner at sup power near by taman marida senawang. really power but similar with my mom signature soup.=)

having a breakfast with laksam. went to jj seremban 2 for lunch and gda having some shopping with her baucar buku 1 malaysia. off back to bangi at 6.

back to work...=(